Base Word
Short Definitionsuperabundant (in quantity) or superior (in quality); by implication, excessive; adverbially (with G1537) violently; neuter (as noun) preeminence
Long Definitionexceeding some number or measure or rank or need
Derivationfrom G4012 (in the sense of beyond)
Same asG1537
International Phonetic Alphabetpɛ.risˈsos
IPA modpe̞.risˈsows
Diction Modpay-rees-SOSE
Usageexceeding abundantly above, more abundantly, advantage, exceedingly, very highly, beyond measure, more, superfluous, vehement(-ly)

Matthew 5:37
But let your communication be, Yea, yea; Nay, nay: for whatsoever is more than these cometh of evil.

Matthew 5:47
And if ye salute your brethren only, what do ye more than others? do not even the publicans so?

Matthew 11:9
But what went ye out for to see? A prophet? yea, I say unto you, and more than a prophet.

Matthew 23:14
Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye devour widows’ houses, and for a pretence make long prayer: therefore ye shall receive the greater damnation.

Mark 6:51
And he went up unto them into the ship; and the wind ceased: and they were sore amazed in themselves beyond measure, and wondered.

Mark 12:40
Which devour widows’ houses, and for a pretence make long prayers: these shall receive greater damnation.

Mark 14:31
But he spake the more vehemently, If I should die with thee, I will not deny thee in any wise. Likewise also said they all.

Luke 12:4
And I say unto you my friends, Be not afraid of them that kill the body, and after that have no more that they can do.

Luke 12:48
But he that knew not, and did commit things worthy of stripes, shall be beaten with few stripes. For unto whomsoever much is given, of him shall be much required: and to whom men have committed much, of him they will ask the more.

Luke 20:47
Which devour widows’ houses, and for a shew make long prayers: the same shall receive greater damnation.

Occurences : 20

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