Base Word
Short Definitionto have (or exercise) force (literally or figuratively)
Long Definitionto be strong
Derivationfrom G2479
Same asG2479
International Phonetic Alphabetiˈsxy.o
IPA modiˈsxju.ow
Diction Modee-SKYOO-oh
Usagebe able, avail, can do(-not), could, be good, might, prevail, be of strength, be whole, + much work

Matthew 5:13
Ye are the salt of the earth: but if the salt have lost his savour, wherewith shall it be salted? it is thenceforth good for nothing, but to be cast out, and to be trodden under foot of men.

Matthew 8:28
And when he was come to the other side into the country of the Gergesenes, there met him two possessed with devils, coming out of the tombs, exceeding fierce, so that no man might pass by that way.

Matthew 9:12
But when Jesus heard that, he said unto them, They that be whole need not a physician, but they that are sick.

Matthew 26:40
And he cometh unto the disciples, and findeth them asleep, and saith unto Peter, What, could ye not watch with me one hour?

Mark 2:17
When Jesus heard it, he saith unto them, They that are whole have no need of the physician, but they that are sick: I came not to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance.

Mark 5:4
Because that he had been often bound with fetters and chains, and the chains had been plucked asunder by him, and the fetters broken in pieces: neither could any man tame him.

Mark 9:18
And wheresoever he taketh him, he teareth him: and he foameth, and gnasheth with his teeth, and pineth away: and I spake to thy disciples that they should cast him out; and they could not.

Mark 14:37
And he cometh, and findeth them sleeping, and saith unto Peter, Simon, sleepest thou? couldest not thou watch one hour?

Luke 6:48
He is like a man which built an house, and digged deep, and laid the foundation on a rock: and when the flood arose, the stream beat vehemently upon that house, and could not shake it: for it was founded upon a rock.

Luke 8:43
And a woman having an issue of blood twelve years, which had spent all her living upon physicians, neither could be healed of any,

Occurences : 29

எபிரேய எழுத்துக்கள் Hebrew Letters in Tamilஎபிரேய உயிரெழுத்துக்கள் Hebrew Vowels in TamilHebrew Short Vowels in Tamil எபிரேய குறில் உயிரெழுத்துக்கள்Hebrew Long Vowels in Tamil எபிரேய நெடில் உயிரெழுத்துக்கள்