2 इतिहास 9

1 शबाकी रानीले सुलेमानको किर्तिको विषयमा सुनिन्। तिनी सुलेमानलाई कठिन प्रश्नहरू द्वार परीक्षा गर्न यरूशलेम आइन्। शबाकी रानीका साथ एक विशाल समूह थियो। तिनीसित ऊँटहरू थिए जसले मसला, प्रचुरमात्रामा सुन अनि बहुमूल्य रत्नहरू बोकेका थिए। तिनी सुलेमान कहाँ आइन् र तिनीसित कुरा-कानी गरिन्। तिनीसित सुलेमानलाई सोध्ने अनेक प्रश्नहरू थिए।

2 सुलेमानले तिनका सबै प्रश्नहरूका उत्तर दिए। सुलेमानका निम्ति व्याख्या गर्न वा उत्तर दिन कठिन पर्ने कुनै कुरा थिएन।

3 शबाकी रानीले सुलेमानको ज्ञान अनि तिनले निर्माण गरेका भवन देखिन्।

4 तिनले सुलेमानको मेचमा भोजन र तिनका अनेकौं महत्हपूर्ण अधिकारीहरू देखिन्। तिनले तिनका सेवकहरूले काम गरेको बस्त्र पहिरेको तरिका देखिन्। तिनले सुलेमानका दाखरस तयार गर्ने सेवकहरू अनि तिनीहरूले पहिरेका बस्त्रहरू देखिन्। तिनले परमप्रभुको मन्दिरमा सुलेमानले होमबलि अर्पण गरेका देखिन्। जव शबाकी रानीले यी सबै कुराहरू देखिन् तब तिनी आश्चर्य भइन्।

5 तब तिनले राजा सुलेमानलाई भनिन्, “मैले मेरो देशमा तपाईंको महान कार्यहरू अनि बुद्धिको विषयमा सुनेका कथाहरू सत्य रहेछन्।

6 म यहाँ आएर आफ्नै आँखाले नदेखुञ्जेल मैले ती कथाहरूमा विश्वास गरेकी थिइन। अहो, मलाई तपाईंको महान बुद्धिको आधा मात्र पनि भनिएको छैन रहेछ। तपाईं मैले सुनेका कथाहरू भन्दा महान हुनुहुन्छ।

7 तपाईंका पत्नीहरू अनि अधिकारीहरू अति भाग्यमानी रहेछन्। तपाईंका ज्ञानका कुराहरू तिनीहरूले तपाईंको सेवा गर्दै सुन्न सक्ने छन्।

8 परमप्रभु तिमीहरूका परमेश्वरको प्रशंसा होस्। उहाँ तपाईंसित प्रसन्न हुनुहुन्छ अनि परमप्रभु तपाईंका परमेश्वरका निम्ति शासन गर्न तपाईंलाई उहाँको सिंहासनमाथि राख्नु भएको छ। परमेश्वरले इस्राएललाई प्रेम गर्नु हुन्छ। इस्राएललाई सदा-सर्वदा सहयोग प्रदान गर्नु हुन्छ। यसकारण उहाँले तपाईंलाई इस्राएलमाथि न्याय र धार्मीकता पालन गर्ने राजा बनाउनु भयो।”

9 तब, शबाकी रानीले सुलेमानलाई एक सय बीस तोडा सुन, प्रचुर मात्रामा मसला, अनि बहुमूल्य रत्नहरू दिइन्। शबाकी रानीले जस्तै उत्तम मसलाहरू कसैले सुलेमानलाई दिएका थिएनन्।

10 हूरामका सेवकहरू अनि सुलेमानका सेवकहरूले ओपीरबाट सुन ल्याए। तिनीहरूले चन्दनका काठ अनि बहुमूल्य ढुङ्गाहरू पनि ल्याए।

11 राजा सुलेमानले चन्दनका काठ परमप्रभुको मन्दिरको निम्ति सिंडी र राज भवन निर्माण गर्नमा प्रयोग गरे। सुलेमानले चन्दनका काठ गायकहरूका निम्ति बीणा र सारङ्गीहरू बनाउनमा पनि प्रयोग गरे। यहूदा देशमा चन्दनका काठद्वारा बनाइएका ती बस्तुहरू जस्ता सुन्दर बस्तुहरू कसैले कहिले देखेका थिएनन्।

12 राजा सुलेमानले शबाकी रानीलाई तिनले चाहेका अनि याचना गरेका सबै चीजहरू दिए। तिनले शबाकी रानीले आफूलाई दिएको भन्दा अधिक दिए। त्यस पछि शबाकी रानी र तिनका सेवकहरू विदा भए आफ्नै देशमा फर्की गए।

13 सुलेमानले एक वर्षमा जति सुन प्राप्त गरे त्यसको तौल 666 तोडा थियो।

14 घुमन्ते पैकारीहरू अनि व्यापारीहरूले सुलेमान कहाँ अझ अधिक सुन ल्याए। अरबका सबै राजाहरू अनि देशका शासकहरूले पनि सुलेमान कहाँ सुन अनि चाँदी ल्याए।

15 राजा सुलेमानले पिटेका सुनको 200 वटा ठूल ठूला ढालहरू बनाए। प्रत्येक ढाल बनाउनका निम्ति प्रायः 600 शेकेल पिटेको सुन प्रयोग गरियो।

16 सुलेमानले पिटेको सुनको 300 वटा सा-साना ढालहरू पनि बनाए। प्रत्येक ढाल बनाउनका निम्ति प्रायः 300 शेकेल सुन प्रयोग गरियो। सुलेमानले सुनका ढालहरू लबानोनको बन-महलमा राखे।

17 राजा सुलेमानले विशाल सिंहासन निर्माण गर्न हात्तीको दाँत प्रयोग गरे। तिनले सिंहासनलाई शुद्ध सुन द्वारा मोहोरे।

18 सिंहासनमा छःवटा सिंक्रहरू थिए। अनि त्यसको एक पाउ-दान थियो जो सुनले बनिएको थियो। सिंहासनको आसनका दुवै तिर पाखुरा अडयाउने बाहुहरू थिए। प्रत्येक बाहुको छेउमा सिंहका मूर्ति उभिएका थिए।

19 छःवटा सिंडीमा बाह्रवटा सिंहका मूर्तिहरू उभिएका थिए। प्रत्येक सिंडीको प्रत्येक छेउमा एउटा सिंह थियो। यस प्रकारले बनाएको सिंहासन जस्तो अन्य कुनै राज्यमा थिएन।

20 राजा सुलेमानका पिउने सबै प्यालाहरू सुनद्वारा बनिएका थिए। लबानोनको बन-महलका सबै घरेलु चीज-बीजहरू शुद्ध सुनले बनिएका थिए। सुलेमानको समयमा यति विघ्न सम्पत्ति थियो कि चाँदीलाई त्यति मूल्यवान ठानिंदैन थियो।

21 किनभने राजा सुलेमानका जहाजहरू थिए जो हूरामका मानिसहरूले तर्शीश तिर चलाएर लान्थे। अनि प्रत्येक तीन-तीन वर्षमा सुन, चाँदी हस्ती-हाड अनि मुजुरहरू द्वारा लादिएर तर्शीशबाट फर्कन्थे।

22 राजा सुलेमान धन सम्पत्ति र बुद्धिमा संसारका अन्यक कुनै पनि राजा भन्दा महान भए।

23 संसारका सबै अन्य राजाहरू सुलेमान कहाँ तिनका बुद्धिमत्ता पूर्ण निर्णयहरू सुन्नका निम्ति भेट गर्न आउँथे। तिनीहरू सुलेमानलाई परमेश्वरले दिनु भएको ज्ञानका कुरा सुन्न आउँथे।

24 हरेक साल ती राजाहरूले सुलेमानका निम्ति भेटी ल्याउँथे। तिनीहरूले चाँदी अनि सुनले बनेका चीज बीजहरू, बस्त्रहरू, हतियारहरू, मसालाहरू, घोडाहरू अनि खच्चरहरू ल्याउँथे।

25 सुलेमान सित 4,000 घोडा अनि रथहरू राख्ने तबेला थिए। तिनका 12,000 सारथिहरू थिए। सुलेमानले तिनीहरूलाई यरूशलेममा आफूसित रथका निम्ति विशेष शहरहरूमा राखे।

26 सुलेमान यूफ्रेटिस नदी देखि पलिश्ती मानिसहरूको देश, अनि मिश्रदेशको सीमानासम्म फैलिएका क्षेत्रका राजाहरूका राजा थिए।

27 राजा सुलेमानसित यति विघ्नचाँदी थियो कि त्यो यरूशलेमका ढुँङ्गाहरू जस्तै थियो। अनि तिनी सित यति धेरै देवदारका काठहरू थिए कि त्यो पार्वत्य देशहरूका अन्जीरका रूखहरू जस्तै साधरण थिए।

28 मानिसहरूले मिश्रदेशबाट अनि अन्य सबै देशहरूबाट सुलेमान कहाँ घोडाहरू ल्याउँथे।

29 सुलेमानद्वारा अन्य कुराहरू शुरू देखि अन्तसम्म गरिएका, अगमवक्ता नातानका लेखहरूमा, शीलोका अहियाहका अगमवाणी अनि दर्शी इद्दोका दर्शनमा लेखिएका छन्। इद्दोका दर्शनहरू नबातका छोरा यारोबामको बारेमा थिए।

30 सुलेमान चालीस वर्षसम्म यरूशलेममा सम्पूर्ण इस्राएलका राजा थिए।

31 त्यसपछि सुलेमानले आफ्ना पुर्खाहरूसित विश्राम लिए। मानिसहरूले तिनलाई तिनका पिता दाऊदको शहरमा गाडिदिए। सुलेमानका छोरा रहबाम सुलेमानको स्थानमा नयाँ राजा भए।

1 And when the queen of Sheba heard of the fame of Solomon, she came to prove Solomon with hard questions at Jerusalem, with a very great company, and camels that bare spices, and gold in abundance, and precious stones: and when she was come to Solomon, she communed with him of all that was in her heart.

2 And Solomon told her all her questions: and there was nothing hid from Solomon which he told her not.

3 And when the queen of Sheba had seen the wisdom of Solomon, and the house that he had built,

4 And the meat of his table, and the sitting of his servants, and the attendance of his ministers, and their apparel; his cupbearers also, and their apparel; and his ascent by which he went up into the house of the Lord; there was no more spirit in her.

5 And she said to the king, It was a true report which I heard in mine own land of thine acts, and of thy wisdom:

6 Howbeit I believed not their words, until I came, and mine eyes had seen it: and, behold, the one half of the greatness of thy wisdom was not told me: for thou exceedest the fame that I heard.

7 Happy are thy men, and happy are these thy servants, which stand continually before thee, and hear thy wisdom.

8 Blessed be the Lord thy God, which delighted in thee to set thee on his throne, to be king for the Lord thy God: because thy God loved Israel, to establish them for ever, therefore made he thee king over them, to do judgment and justice.

9 And she gave the king an hundred and twenty talents of gold, and of spices great abundance, and precious stones: neither was there any such spice as the queen of Sheba gave king Solomon.

10 And the servants also of Huram, and the servants of Solomon, which brought gold from Ophir, brought algum trees and precious stones.

11 And the king made of the algum trees terraces to the house of the Lord, and to the king’s palace, and harps and psalteries for singers: and there were none such seen before in the land of Judah.

12 And king Solomon gave to the queen of Sheba all her desire, whatsoever she asked, beside that which she had brought unto the king. So she turned, and went away to her own land, she and her servants.

13 Now the weight of gold that came to Solomon in one year was six hundred and threescore and six talents of gold;

14 Beside that which chapmen and merchants brought. And all the kings of Arabia and governors of the country brought gold and silver to Solomon.

15 And king Solomon made two hundred targets of beaten gold: six hundred shekels of beaten gold went to one target.

16 And three hundred shields made he of beaten gold: three hundred shekels of gold went to one shield. And the king put them in the house of the forest of Lebanon.

17 Moreover the king made a great throne of ivory, and overlaid it with pure gold.

18 And there were six steps to the throne, with a footstool of gold, which were fastened to the throne, and stays on each side of the sitting place, and two lions standing by the stays:

19 And twelve lions stood there on the one side and on the other upon the six steps. There was not the like made in any kingdom.

20 And all the drinking vessels of king Solomon were of gold, and all the vessels of the house of the forest of Lebanon were of pure gold: none were of silver; it was not any thing accounted of in the days of Solomon.

21 For the king’s ships went to Tarshish with the servants of Huram: every three years once came the ships of Tarshish bringing gold, and silver, ivory, and apes, and peacocks.

22 And king Solomon passed all the kings of the earth in riches and wisdom.

23 And all the kings of the earth sought the presence of Solomon, to hear his wisdom, that God had put in his heart.

24 And they brought every man his present, vessels of silver, and vessels of gold, and raiment, harness, and spices, horses, and mules, a rate year by year.

25 And Solomon had four thousand stalls for horses and chariots, and twelve thousand horsemen; whom he bestowed in the chariot cities, and with the king at Jerusalem.

26 And he reigned over all the kings from the river even unto the land of the Philistines, and to the border of Egypt.

27 And the king made silver in Jerusalem as stones, and cedar trees made he as the sycomore trees that are in the low plains in abundance.

28 And they brought unto Solomon horses out of Egypt, and out of all lands.

29 Now the rest of the acts of Solomon, first and last, are they not written in the book of Nathan the prophet, and in the prophecy of Ahijah the Shilonite, and in the visions of Iddo the seer against Jeroboam the son of Nebat?

30 And Solomon reigned in Jerusalem over all Israel forty years.

31 And Solomon slept with his fathers, and he was buried in the city of David his father: and Rehoboam his son reigned in his stead.

1 I said in mine heart, Go to now, I will prove thee with mirth, therefore enjoy pleasure: and, behold, this also is vanity.

2 I said of laughter, It is mad: and of mirth, What doeth it?

3 I sought in mine heart to give myself unto wine, yet acquainting mine heart with wisdom; and to lay hold on folly, till I might see what was that good for the sons of men, which they should do under the heaven all the days of their life.

4 I made me great works; I builded me houses; I planted me vineyards:

5 I made me gardens and orchards, and I planted trees in them of all kind of fruits:

6 I made me pools of water, to water therewith the wood that bringeth forth trees:

7 I got me servants and maidens, and had servants born in my house; also I had great possessions of great and small cattle above all that were in Jerusalem before me:

8 I gathered me also silver and gold, and the peculiar treasure of kings and of the provinces: I gat me men singers and women singers, and the delights of the sons of men, as musical instruments, and that of all sorts.

9 So I was great, and increased more than all that were before me in Jerusalem: also my wisdom remained with me.

10 And whatsoever mine eyes desired I kept not from them, I withheld not my heart from any joy; for my heart rejoiced in all my labour: and this was my portion of all my labour.

11 Then I looked on all the works that my hands had wrought, and on the labour that I had laboured to do: and, behold, all was vanity and vexation of spirit, and there was no profit under the sun.

12 And I turned myself to behold wisdom, and madness, and folly: for what can the man do that cometh after the king? even that which hath been already done.

13 Then I saw that wisdom excelleth folly, as far as light excelleth darkness.

14 The wise man’s eyes are in his head; but the fool walketh in darkness: and I myself perceived also that one event happeneth to them all.

15 Then said I in my heart, As it happeneth to the fool, so it happeneth even to me; and why was I then more wise? Then I said in my heart, that this also is vanity.

16 For there is no remembrance of the wise more than of the fool for ever; seeing that which now is in the days to come shall all be forgotten. And how dieth the wise man? as the fool.

17 Therefore I hated life; because the work that is wrought under the sun is grievous unto me: for all is vanity and vexation of spirit.

18 Yea, I hated all my labour which I had taken under the sun: because I should leave it unto the man that shall be after me.

19 And who knoweth whether he shall be a wise man or a fool? yet shall he have rule over all my labour wherein I have laboured, and wherein I have shewed myself wise under the sun. This is also vanity.

20 Therefore I went about to cause my heart to despair of all the labour which I took under the sun.

21 For there is a man whose labour is in wisdom, and in knowledge, and in equity; yet to a man that hath not laboured therein shall he leave it for his portion. This also is vanity and a great evil.

22 For what hath man of all his labour, and of the vexation of his heart, wherein he hath laboured under the sun?

23 For all his days are sorrows, and his travail grief; yea, his heart taketh not rest in the night. This is also vanity.

24 There is nothing better for a man, than that he should eat and drink, and that he should make his soul enjoy good in his labour. This also I saw, that it was from the hand of God.

25 For who can eat, or who else can hasten hereunto, more than I?

26 For God giveth to a man that is good in his sight wisdom, and knowledge, and joy: but to the sinner he giveth travail, to gather and to heap up, that he may give to him that is good before God. This also is vanity and vexation of spirit.