εἶπον therefore EE-pone οὖν unto oon πρὸς him, prose αὐτὸν af-TONE οἱ brethren oo ἀδελφοὶ His ah-thale-FOO αὐτοῦ Depart af-TOO Μετάβηθι hence, may-TA-vay-thee ἐντεῦθεν and ane-TAYF-thane καὶ go kay ὕπαγε into YOO-pa-gay εἰς ees τὴν Judaea, tane Ἰουδαίαν that ee-oo-THAY-an ἵνα also EE-na καὶ disciples kay οἱ thy oo μαθηταί see ma-thay-TAY σου may soo θεωρήσωσιν the thay-oh-RAY-soh-seen τὰ works ta ἔργα thou ARE-ga σοῦ that soo ἃ doest. a ποιεῖς· poo-EES