εἶπεν But EE-pane δὲ unto thay πρὸς him, prose αὐτὸν the af-TONE ὁ Lord oh κύριος way: KYOO-ree-ose Πορεύου thy poh-RAVE-oo ὅτι Go OH-tee σκεῦος for SKAVE-ose ἐκλογῆς vessel ake-loh-GASE μοι a moo ἐστίν chosen ay-STEEN οὗτος me, OO-tose τοῦ unto too βαστάσαι is va-STA-say τὸ he toh ὄνομά OH-noh-MA μου to moo ἐνώπιον bear ane-OH-pee-one ἐθνῶν name ay-THNONE καὶ my kay βασιλέων before va-see-LAY-one υἱῶν Gentiles, yoo-ONE τε the tay Ἰσραήλ· and ees-ra-ALE