ἴδε Behold EE-thay οὖν therefore oon χρηστότητα the hray-STOH-tay-ta καὶ goodness kay ἀποτομίαν and ah-poh-toh-MEE-an θεοῦ· severity thay-OO ἐπὶ of ay-PEE μὲν God: mane τοὺς on toos πεσόντας pay-SONE-tahs ἀποτομίαν them ah-poh-toh-MEE-an ἐπὶ which ay-PEE δὲ fell, thay σὲ severity; say χρηστότητα toward hray-STOH-tay-ta ἐὰν but ay-AN ἐπιμείνῃς thee, ay-pee-MEE-nase τῇ goodness, tay χρηστότητι if hray-STOH-tay-tee ἐπεὶ thou ape-EE καὶ continue kay σὺ in syoo ἐκκοπήσῃ ake-koh-PAY-say