εἰ if ee δὲ Now thay τὸ the toh παράπτωμα fall pa-RA-ptoh-ma αὐτῶν of af-TONE πλοῦτος them PLOO-tose κόσμου riches KOH-smoo καὶ the kay τὸ of toh ἥττημα the ATE-tay-ma αὐτῶν world, af-TONE πλοῦτος and PLOO-tose ἐθνῶν the ay-THNONE πόσῳ diminishing POH-soh μᾶλλον of MAHL-lone τὸ them toh πλήρωμα the PLAY-roh-ma αὐτῶν riches af-TONE