τὸ mystery toh μυστήριον of myoo-STAY-ree-one τῶν the tone ἑπτὰ seven ay-PTA ἀστέρων stars ah-STAY-rone ὦν which one εἶδες thou EE-thase ἐπὶ sawest ay-PEE τῆς in tase δεξιᾶς thay-ksee-AS μου hand, moo καὶ right kay τὰς my tahs ἑπτὰ and ay-PTA λυχνίας the lyoo-HNEE-as τὰς seven tahs χρυσᾶς· candlesticks. hryoo-SAHS οἱ oo ἑπτὰ golden ay-PTA ἀστέρες The ah-STAY-rase ἄγγελοι seven ANG-gay-loo τῶν stars tone ἑπτὰ the ay-PTA ἐκκλησιῶν angels ake-klay-see-ONE εἰσιν the ees-een καὶ seven kay αἱ churches: ay ἑπτὰ of ay-PTA λυχνίαι are lyoo-HNEE-ay ἅς and ahs εἶδες the EE-thase ἑπτὰ seven ay-PTA ἐκκλησίαι candlesticks ake-klay-SEE-ay εἰσίν which ees-EEN