Ἐὰν Therefore ay-AN οὖν thou oon προσφέρῃς bring prose-FAY-rase τὸ toh δῶρόν gift THOH-RONE σου thy soo ἐπὶ to ay-PEE τὸ the toh θυσιαστήριον altar, thyoo-see-ah-STAY-ree-one κἀκεῖ there ka-KEE μνησθῇς and m-nay-STHASE ὅτι rememberest OH-tee ὁ that oh ἀδελφός ah-thale-FOSE σου brother soo ἔχει thy A-hee τι hath tee κατὰ ought ka-TA σοῦ against soo