ἦλθεν came ALE-thane γὰρ For gahr πρὸς unto prose ὑμᾶς you yoo-MAHS Ἰωάννης John ee-oh-AN-nase ἐν in ane ὁδῷ the oh-THOH δικαιοσύνης way thee-kay-oh-SYOO-nase καὶ of kay οὐκ righteousness, ook ἐπιστεύσατε and ay-pee-STAYF-sa-tay αὐτῷ not: af-TOH οἱ believed oo δὲ ye thay τελῶναι him tay-LOH-nay καὶ the kay αἱ but ay πόρναι publicans PORE-nay ἐπίστευσαν and ay-PEE-stayf-sahn αὐτῷ· the af-TOH ὑμεῖς harlots yoo-MEES δὲ believed thay ἰδόντες him: ee-THONE-tase οὐ ye, oo μετεμελήθητε and may-tay-may-LAY-thay-tay ὕστερον when YOO-stay-rone τοῦ ye too πιστεῦσαι had pee-STAYF-say αὐτῷ seen af-TOH