οὗτός that OO-TOSE ἐστιν is ay-steen ὁ oh Μωϋσῆς Moses, moh-yoo-SASE ὁ oh εἰπὼν said ee-PONE τοῖς which toos υἱοῖς the yoo-OOS Ἰσραήλ unto ees-ra-ALE Προφήτην children proh-FAY-tane ὑμῖν Israel, yoo-MEEN ἀναστήσει of ah-na-STAY-see Κύριος A KYOO-ree-ose ὁ prophet oh θεὸς you thay-OSE ὑμῶν unto yoo-MONE ἐκ raise ake τῶν the tone ἀδελφῶν Lord ah-thale-FONE ὑμῶν yoo-MONE ὡς shall ose ἐμέ God ay-MAY αὐτοῦ up af-TOO ἀκούσεσθε your ah-KOO-say-sthay